IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO DOWNLOAD *THIS* FILE. ALL THE INFORMATION IS BELOW. *Please use the "More..." button/icon to see the full list of files in this library. *Please use the SORT BY "Subject..." button at the bottom of the main screen, to see the full list of files by category in this library. *Please look at a file's "Description" before downloading it. See if the file is actually something you want, and if you have the tools/programs to use it. *Chat WAVs are files that play for 15 seconds or less and appropriate for chats. *Game WAVs are files that are commonly played during Game Chats. *PT's are files designed for Power Tool users. *Please use keyword "Download" for information about how to move a file onto your system, how to find it after the system hides it, and how to "unstuff" or "unzip" it. *Windows and DOS users, please note that files with a .sit extention are compressed Macintosh files that require Stuffit to expand them. Compression utilities that will dissolve Stuffit files are available in the telecommunications area of the AOL library. *Please use keyword "Viewer" for information about programs that let you open unfamiliar graphic image formats. Thank you, Adoption/Fostering Macro/Wav Library